Announcing the State of RaaS 2023 Report

The State of RaaS 2023 Report Cover

The Formant team is pleased to announce the State of RaaS 2023 Report, revealing the trends, challenges faced, and tools used by robotics-as-a-service (RaaS) companies to scale. 

It’s clear automation is taking industries by storm- with labor shortages and higher demand for efficiency, more companies need physical automation than ever before. To address this need, we’ve seen a noticeable rise in the popularity of RaaS companies bringing a more efficient and cost-effective option to the table. 


Formant + RaaS 

Every day, Formant works with RaaS companies spanning industries from agriculture to facilities management, warehousing, healthcare, and more. Due to our unique position in RaaS, we care deeply about the RaaS market and how these models are helping to democratize automation. To better understand the state of the market, we surveyed over 300 robotics professionals in early 2023, and have plenty of insights to share with the community. 


What did we find?

Although we can’t share all of the findings off the bat, we’re very encouraged for the future of RaaS based on our findings that speak to how it is creating a positive impact on automation accessibility. 

However, we can share a few statistics that stood out to us.

Of the 300+ robotics professionals we surveyed, the majority have worked in the industry between 2-5 years, followed by 5-15 years being the next most common timeframe. We were quite excited by the diversity in experience of our participants which provided a balance of experienced and fresh perspectives on RaaS.



Another interesting find is the opinions on the potential impact of RaaS by industry, in which healthcare showed noticeably more promise for our participants.



These are only a few insights we collected from our survey.

In this report, you’ll also discover: 

  • The trends and challenges shaping the RaaS market today
  • Areas for improvement and growth within RaaS companies 
  • Logistics behind RaaS companies including average fleet size, common industries, and tools used to scale. 
  • Perspectives and opinions shared by robotics professionals working in RaaS models

We’d also like to express our gratitude to all those who participated in the survey and took the time to provide their insights. This report could not have been possible without your help, and the data we’ve collected here will have a hand in shaping the future of the market, all thanks to the community. 

The report is free, and you can download a copy today. Please let us know if you have feedback; we’re always looking for new data to include in next year’s State of RaaS report.

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