4 Highlights From ROSCon 2022

Last week, our Formanteers traveled to Kyoto, Japan to visit ROSCon 2022, hosted by Open Robotics. With approximately 800 ROS users in attendance, our team had an amazing time meeting with everyone and sharing the exciting news of a free tier we launched last week. 

Want to see what our Formanteers got up to in Kyoto? Check out our recap below to learn about some of our highlights! 


Formant Free Tier Launch

Last week, we launched our newest free tier that allows individual roboticits and engineers to upload live robot data to the cloud and control their robot in real-time. Despite the time difference, our team was able to successfully release the tier to welcome dozens of new users. 

Our team in Kyoto was thrilled to have the opportunity to talk with ROS users about the new offering, and even was able to witness a few onboardings to the new tier, in person. If you haven’t been able to check out the new tier yet, head to formant.io/go to explore. 



Our Newest Robot Dog

In preparation for ROSCon, our team “adopted” a new robot dog, Bambi who was controlled on the platform via a Steamdeck. Although he had some great moves, we were only able to pilot him for so long before he was placed on teleoperation duties. 


Formant pla


ROS Community

Outside of attending many of the interesting sessions offered at ROSCon 2022, one of our team’s favorite parts of the conference was of course hanging out with our partner companies. We had the opportunity to co-booth with our friends over at ClearPath Robotics with our demo as well as share some space with other partners including Hello Robot and PickNik Robotics

In addition to hanging out in our alley, the team also had the pleasure of catching up with friends from Open Robotics, Open-RMF, and more. 


Formant co-booth with Clearpath Robotics at ROSCon 2022


Turtlebot Giveaway

Perhaps one of the most exciting announcements besides our free tier launch was our Turtlebot giveaway! In partnership with Cleapath Robotics and with plenty of excitement and interest, we gave away a Turtlebot to one lucky winner. We know there were many folks who really wanted to win, but don’t lose hope just yet; we’ll be back next year with another Turtlebot! 


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Superior observability, operations, and analytics of heterogenous fleets, at scale.

Explore our data ops platform

Superior observability, operations, and analytics of heterogenous fleets, at scale.


