Top Robotics Podcasts To Follow

Want to stay updated on the latest happenings in robotics but don’t have time to comb through the news or dig into a book? Podcasts are an excellent way to keep up on hot topics whether it’s during your morning workout on traveling for work. We’ve curated a list of the best robotics podcasts to help you stay updated, on the go. 


1. Robohub Podcast

Listen to interviews with some of the top robotics experts, researchers, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and more. From robotics news to technical conversations, hosts ensure the conversation is educational yet always understandable for the general public. 


 2. The Robot Report Podcast

From one of the most popular robotics publications comes a podcast discussing the latest news in the robotics community. Hear from leading roboticists, robotics companies, and other experts’ perspectives on what happening with robots in the world. Episodes drop weekly. 


3. Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots 

Dig into the details of the design, development, and software behind today’s robots. 

Every week, thoughtbot’s Founder and COO Chad Pytel chats with the minds who create and care for these machines to understand how robotics is rapidly transforming industries. 


4. The Robot Industry Podcast

Interested in learning more about how automation is impacting manufacturing? This podcast is for you. Stay up to date on how robots are advancing manufacturing and the trends, innovations, and rising tech shaping the industry’s future. 


5. The Robot Brains Podcast

Joined by leading global experts in AI robotics, renowned AI researcher, professor, and entrepreneur Pieter Abbeel hosts The Robot Brains Podcast. Listen to guests who are attempting to build robots with brains and learn just how far humans have come to create machines with conscious minds and rationale. 


6. The Robotics Engineering Experience Podcast

Host Travis Schneider, business development manager at RE2 Robotics, discusses technical breakthroughs happening in the robotics community, as well as AI, machine learning, and the application of autonomy, among other hot topics. 


7. Robotics For All 

AV&R Global is on a mission to humanize robots and their podcast is here to help break down how some of the top experts in robotics are advancing automation, beyond humanizing machines. 


8. Soft Robotics Podcast

You don’t have to be a roboticist or have a technical background to be interested in robotics! The Soft Robotics Podcast chats with guests from both academia and the robotics industry about new research highlighting the challenges soft robotics will face in the world. But that’s not all- since robotics will affect more than just the science community, hosts also interview philosophers, kids, and laypeople to understand how they feel and think about robotics.


9. ROS Developers Podcast

Looking to learn more about robot programming? The ROS Developer podcast is here to help: each week, host Ricardo Tellez invites experts from the robotics programming industry to discuss their top tips and tricks that helped them improve their careers. 


10. Wewolver Robots In Depth

Dive deep into the world of robotics with this interview series. Gain insight into the minds of the best entrepreneurs, investors, corporate leaders, researchers, and experts in a relaxed, conversational style that makes topics easy to comprehend and digest. 

If you’re looking for a good read to supplement your podcast listening, check out our suggestions for the best robotics books to read in 2022

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