Formant + Robotics 24/7 Webinar: How To Leverage Data To Build Custom Apps

The world of robotics has changed rapidly in the past five years.

With the rise of robots-as-a-service and the increasing adoption of robots in new industries, software has become a critical component for the success and growth of robotics companies. This creates both opportunities and new challenges, specifically around creating applications that meet the unique needs of particular industries. That’s where Formant comes in.

At Formant, we recognize that no one software solution will work out of the box for every use case. That’s why we’re building a platform for robotics companies to accelerate application development, helping them launch and scale fleets fast.

Recently, our Formant teamed up with Robotics 24/7 to have our CEO Jeff Linnell talk about how our customers are putting custom-built apps to the test in their everyday robot operations. In it, we take a look at the following examples:

Electric Sheep

Electric Sheep Custom Modules Dashboard

Electric Sheep Robotics is a scaling RaaS service specializing in robotic lawnmowers. They utilized Formant’s infrastructure to build custom modules for their customers to show things link mission status and device maintenance schedules. Those modules leverage Formant’s APIs and are based on our pre-built UI components.



Bitwise Custom Modules Dashboard

Bitwise Agronomy is an agriculture-specific machine learning company focused on delivering analytics and actionable insights for grapes and berries. They partnered with Formant to develop a custom application providing seamless data export, analysis, and re-ingestion of telemetry data. They also included an embedded BI tool within Formant to provide contextual analysis to end users.


PickNik Custom Application

PickNik Robotics is the company behind MoveIt, a supervised autonomy platform that serves as a solution for tele-op recovery of robotic arms. They partnered with Formant to natively embed their entire MoveIt Studio application inside Formant. MoveIt Studio leverages Formants backend services and real time connections to make real-time arm manipulation, including motion planning and computer vision, pain-free. PickNik is also a Formant marketplace partner and their application is available to Formant customers to purchase in our marketplace.


We encourage you to check out the webinar to hear Jeff and Eugene talk in-depth about these applications and how they’re helping our robotics companies provide a better experience for their end users.

You can also download the slides from this presentation here.

Interested in learning how Formant can help you build custom applications and scale your robotic fleet? Learn more and request a demo.

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Superior observability, operations, and analytics of heterogenous fleets, at scale.

Explore our data ops platform

Superior observability, operations, and analytics of heterogenous fleets, at scale.


