
Business insights

Gain detailed insights into how your robots are being used. Turn insights into product improvements by diving deeper into reports using the linked timeline snapshots.
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Business Insights
In the context of robotics, analytics is essentially turning raw data originating from robots into insights for making better decisions - identifying inefficiencies, monitoring trends, diagnosing unique technical failures, or showcasing fleet efficiency and progress. These insights are critical to continuously improve the product, address site-wide inefficiencies or fleet-level trends that may not be apparent when looking at data at a device level. Formant allows an organization to create reports and visualizations for specific stakeholders, highlighting the metrics required for that role.

Usage insights

Gain insights on the usage of your robot:

  • Average daily usage
  • Time spent is specific control state like autonomous versus manual modes
  • Number of assists requested
  • Any metrics including battery life over-time, e-stops, average daily usage, distance traveled
  • Sensor temperature and other health scores

KPI and SLA reporting

Increase your customers' velocity through insights. Gain detailed insights into how your robots are being used.

Trend tracking

Improve root cause efficiency by tracking essential metrics over time. Get baseline values and generate objective measures to support your customers efficiently.

Continuous improvement analysis

Continuously improve on the efficiency of your robot's mission. Track robot missions using metrics, generate reports, export to your favorite tools for more in-depth statistical analysis.

Fleet insights

Understand your fleet intimately by simplifying large amounts of data into a higher-level summary. Successfully identify and navigate field operation challenges from day 1 through fleet insights.

Links direct to details

Turn insights into product improvements by diving deeper into reports using the linked timeline snapshots.

Job and Mission Reports

Create and download detailed mission or job reports to analyze, optimize and improve stages. Export mission or job data to your favorite statistical tool for deeper insights.
Trend Report
Trend Tracking
Canvas Stakeholder Dashboard
Tracking KPIs and SLAs
Customizable job reports

See it in action

Contact us to discuss your project and get a tailored demo of our platform.
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